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Before School Supervision

One of our continuing goals this year is to help and encourage our students to be on time each morning. Since our traffic problems contribute to student tardies, we are again offering early drop-off for students. We will have supervision available from 7:30 a.m. until school starts at 8:05 each morning. All Transitional Kindergarten through 5th Grade students should report to the Courtyard where Instructional Aides and/or teachers supervise our students. At 8:05, a bell will ring and the rest of the teachers and the principal will join the children in the courtyard for the morning assembly.

Parents are encouraged to stay for morning assembly; we ask that parents stand around the edge of the yard, so staff can more easily supervise the children. Please do not follow the children to class, even during the month of September. The funds for this early morning supervision are being provided by the City of Westlake Village. This is one of the many ways that our city supports our school. They also provide support from the Sheriffs department in front of our school during the morning drop-off periods.